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02/07/2020 10:38:56 AM


Friday, February 7 - 125 Coltrane

5:18 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 4:32 PM)
5:15 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat

Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.

Shabbat, February 8 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School

9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:59 AM)

Class Schedule

10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Yechiel Hess, "Attaining a Stress Free Life", in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Making CENTS of Charity!in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel , "Song of the Seain the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113

Kiddush 12:00pm

Sponsored this week by Darryl, Lynda, Sarah, Rachaele and Adina Geer in honour of and to thank Rabbi Mandel, Rabbi K and this special community for welcoming our family and making us feel so at home. We cannot express in words how it's eased our transition into Canadian life.

Also sponsored by Rabbi Yechiel & Danit Hess in honour of of having the merit to be a Chazzan for the Shul on the High Holidays for 18 years!

Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane

4:30 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
5:25 PM - Seudah Shlishit
6:22 PM - Maariv/Evening services
6:27 PM - Shabbat Ends

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785