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**Note - Standard Kiddush amount is now $300

If you choose "Other date" for sponsoring Seudat Shlishit, please note that the date might already be taken.  Please confirm by sending an email to to verify.

If you choose "Other date" for your Kiddush sponsorship, please note that the date might already be taken; please confirm by sending an email to to verify.

If you choose "Other date" for your Kiddush sponsorship, please note that the date might already be taken; please confirm by sending an email to to verify.

Please note that the date might already be taken; please confirm by sending an email to to verify.

This information will appear exactly as it is written in the newsletter.  Please verify that it is written in the language that you prefer.


Please note that the newsletter blurb will appear as follows:

This week's kiddush is sponsored by [account_name] in honour of [blurb].

Please provide additional information about the sponsorship, here, if required.

Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785