01/25/2019 08:43:24 AM
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Friday, January 25 - 125 Coltrane
5:00 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 4:18 PM)
5:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, January 26 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:05 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Life Lessons From My Trip To Israel" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel , "The 5th Commandment" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Roy & Maureen Arluck in honour of the anniversary of Roy’s Bar Mitzvah. With thanks to Hashem for the blessed years!
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
4:15 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
4:45 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
5:10 PM - Seudah Shlishit
6:05 PM - Maariv/Evening services
6:10 PM - Shabbat Ends
01/18/2019 10:53:58 AM
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Friday, January 18 - 125 Coltrane
4:51 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 4:10 PM)
4:50 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, January 19 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:07 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Jessy Revivo, "You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel , "On Honouring Parents" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Leandra Miller and family in honour of Iany’s 29th birthday. To many more 29th birthdays to come! You are an amazing person and I look forward to our future. We are grateful for everyone’s love and support in the community and look forward to many more simchas to come. We would also like to take the opportunity to sponsor kiddush in honour of Jack Buzaglo, z'l, Iany’s cousin. May the memory of his kindness, compassion and love be carried on.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
4:05 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
4:35 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
5:00 PM - Seudah Shlishit
5:55 PM - Maariv/Evening services
6:00 PM - Shabbat Ends
01/04/2019 11:31:05 AM
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Friday, January 4 - 125 Coltrane
4:35 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 3:57 PM)
4:35 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, January 5 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:07 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Your Top 10 Jewish New Years Resolutions" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "The Laws and Customs of Honouring Our Parents" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Rabbi Mordechai Cohen , "On Honouring Parents" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Howie & Amanda Frenkel in honour of Ryah's 3rd birthday. BH, each and every day, we are in awe of the gifts with which Hashem has blessed you. You are unbelievably smart, kind, funny and so, so loving. May your beautiful middot continue to shine brightly. Mazel tov, until 120!
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
4:15 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
4:40 PM - Seudah Shlishit
5:39 PM - Maariv/Evening services
5:44 PM - Shabbat Ends
12/14/2018 08:54:36 AM
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Friday, December 14 - 125 Coltrane
4:22 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 3:44 PM)
4:20 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
8:30 PM - Inspiration & Dessert- "The Key to Lining the Life You Want, Not the Life that Happens", with Rabbi Tzvi Sytner - atThe Home of Darryl & Nikki Cohen, 266 Autumn Hill Blvd.
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, December 15 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:58 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Wakey, Wakey!" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Tzvi Sytner, "Change Your Name, Change Your Destiny", in the Main Shul
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Cohen & Gidon and Jodi Kerbel in honour of all our friends in the THW Shul, and with thanks to the Shul for granting us the honour of Chatan Bereishit and Chatan Torah, respectively.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
3:30 PM - The Secret to Jewish Leadership & Chessed, with Speical Guest Speaker Rabbi Tzvi Sytner
4:05 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
4:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit, sponsored by Rabbi Elisha & Fraidy Mandel and Alan Knecht in honour of the THWS community and the Sytner's visit and in honour of the Yartzheit of Alan's grandfather Isser Eliezer ben Aaron Leib HaLevi on the 10th of Tevet.
5:25 PM - Maariv/Evening services
5:30 PM - Shabbat Ends
12/07/2018 09:37:50 AM
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Friday, December 7 - 125 Coltrane
4:22 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 3:43 PM)
4:20 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, December 8 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:54 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "What the Sea Saw" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Elisha , "Chessed & The Essence of Chaukah" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Amanda & Howie Frenkel in honour of our happy, sweet and funny sandwich son, Asher's, 6th birthday. Hashem has blessed you with positivity, endless energy, and love for all. He has blessed us with you and we are beyond grateful for that. You are an incredible big brother, little brother and son. We love you, Ash!
Also sponsored by Perla & Abe Hudy in honour of Bryan's birthday. Mazel tov to our son Bryan (Leibel Simcha) on his birthday. May Hashem bless him with a lifetime of health, happiness and wisdom. We love you. In honor of our dearest aunt May Hudy- remembering her on her Yartzehit. You are missed!
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
3:35 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
4:05 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
4:30 PM - Seudah Shlishit
5:25 PM - Maariv/Evening services
5:30 PM - Shabbat Ends
11/23/2018 08:35:59 AM
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Friday, November 23 - 125 Coltrane
4:27 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 3:46 PM)
4:25 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, November 24 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:43 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "BROTHERLY LOVE" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Mordechai Sher, "The Art of Jewish Prayer" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by David & Raquel Levine in honour of Miles's 6th birthday. With gratitude to Hashem, we wish our amazing and precious boy Miles a happy birthday. You always make us smile and never cease to amaze us. May you continue to be blessed with goodness for this year and for many years to come!
Also sponsored by Anthony & Renee Rabie in honour of the cherished memory of Antony’s late mother, Eada and beloved grandmother, Dora. You both provided us with so much love, kindness and compassion. We live with cherished memories of the elegant people you were, we miss you and hope Hashem provides merit for your souls. We also wish to thank Rabbi Mandel and the Thornhill Woods community for their kindness and warmth.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
3:35 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
4:05 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
4:30 PM - Seudah Shlishit
5:29 PM - Maariv/Evening services
5:34 PM - Shabbat Ends
11/09/2018 01:39:53 PM
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Friday, November 9 - 125 Coltrane
4:40 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 3:56 PM)
4:40 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, November 10 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:33 AM)
Class Schedule
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "How To Get Your Prayers Answered" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, ""Be my guest!" - Wrapping up the laws and customs associated with the Mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim and a short introduction to prayer." in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Jessy Revivo , "Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs: Praying for a sign." in the Kiddush Room
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Mike & Danielle Steinman in honour of Mike's Hebrew birthday & the 30 year anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah! Chazak u Baruch.... who are we kidding... shcoiach!!!! & thank you to Darryl Cohen for reading these announcements every week!!
Also sponsored by Moshe & Shayna Lerner in honour of and with tremendous gratitude to Hashem on the birth of our dear daughter Yael Emunah. We would also like to express our appreciation to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Krokotsky as well as to Avi, Bentzy and Shmuli for their endless help, love and support. In addition, we would like to thank the Thornhill Woods Community for sharing in our simcha and showering us with much care and warmth.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
3:50 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
4:20 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
4:45 PM - Seudah Shlishit
5:42 PM - Maariv/Evening services
5:47 PM - Shabbat Ends
11/02/2018 11:01:31 AM
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Friday, November 2 - 125 Coltrane
5:48 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 5:03 PM)
5:45 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, November 3 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:28 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Presentations by Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi Krokotsky and Rabbi Mandel, followed by remarks from the Bar Mitzvah boy, Shmuel Cohen, in the Main Shul
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Rabbi & Rebbetzin Cohen in honour of Shmuel's Bar Mitzvah. We are thrilled to celebrate this momentous occasion with such a wonderful community that we admire and love so much!
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
5:00 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
5:30 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
5:55 PM - Seudah Shlishit
6:50 PM - Maariv/Evening services
6:55 PM - Shabbat Ends
10/26/2018 10:16:58 AM
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Friday, October 26 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
5:58 PM - Candle Lighting (light at home, earliest - 5:10 PM)
5:45 PM - Enjoy some warm kugel!
6:05 PM - Mincha
6:20 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv led by the Travelling Chassidim
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, October 27 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services led by the Travelling Chassidim (Latest Shema, 10:24 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Aryeh Pamensky, "The Power of the Parsha", in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Aryeh Pamensky, "The Shabbat Project and YOUR Community", in the Main Shul
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Mark & Rhonda Halpern in honour of our dear friends Rabbi Aryeh and Yocheved Pamensky. Welcome to Thornhill Woods! Its such a treat to spend Shabbat together. Mazel tov on your son Ahron's recent engagement! Love, the Halperns.
Also sponsored by Jessy & Michele Revivo in honour of the birth of Shayna and Moshe Lerner's daughter, and granddaughter to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Krokotsky. May she give her parents and grand parents and HaShem much Nachat. May the Rabbi and Rebbitzin see Avi and Bentzi under the chuppah soon and be made grandparents many times over. Thank you to the Krokotsky family for all they do for the community. Also in honour of the worldwide Shabbat Project!
Afternoon Schedule - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
5:25 PM - Talk by Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Aryeh Pamensky
6:00 PM - Seuda Shlishit - Communal 3rd Meal
7:00 PM - Maariv/Evening services
7:05 PM - Shabbat Ends
7:20 PM - Musical Havdallah led by the Travelling Chassidim
10/19/2018 01:05:36 PM
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Friday, October 19 - 125 Coltrane
6:09 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 5:19 PM)
6:05 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, October 20 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:20 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Jessy Revivo , "Stocks, Bonds and Mitzvot- Maximizing Investment Returns!" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Inviting Guests: The Why's and How's of the Mitzvah" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Elisha , "The Great Mitzvah of Hachnassat Orchim- Tips, Laws and Stories" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rebbetzin Fraidy Mandel for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Michael & Bella Sugar in honour of of their son Noah’s 15th Birthday!! We are so greatful to Hashem for this wonderful kind, caring, charismatic young man who is full of life and a blessing to have in our lives everyday. Wishing you lots of health and happiness til 120+ We love you so much and we are so proud of the person you’ve become. Happy Birthday! Love, Mom, Dad, Josh and Melissa.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
5:20 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
5:50 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
6:15 PM - Seudah Shlishit
7:10 PM - Maariv/Evening services
7:15 PM - Shabbat Ends
10/05/2018 01:29:57 PM
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Friday, October 5 - 125 Coltrane
6:33 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 5:39 PM)
6:30 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, October 6 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:13 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Taking One Souvenir Home from the Holidays" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel , "Acquiring...a Mate?!?!" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Darryl & Nikki Cohen in honour of the 11th birthday of one of our biggest blessings: our daughter Danielle. Happy birthday to a very special young lady who adds so much joy to our family and lives. Wishing you health and happiness to 120!
Also sponsored by Howie & Amanda Frenkel in honour of our amazing family visiting from Ottawa, as well as our upcoming 10-year wedding anniversary.
Additional desserts sponsored by Nicole & Ian Berkowitz in honour of Ethan's birthday.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
6:10 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
6:35 PM - Seudah Shlishit
7:34 PM - Maariv/Evening services
7:39 PM - Shabbat Ends
THW SHUL SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 29, 2018 - shabbat chol hamoed sukkot
09/28/2018 12:40:51 PM
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Schedule for Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Friday, September 28 - 125 Coltrane
6:45 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 5:49 PM)
6:45 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, September 29 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:10 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Living Inspired" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel, "The Power of the Lowly Willow" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored by Roy & Maureen Arluck in honour of Rabbi Krokocki's and Rabbi Mandel’s inspiring High Holiday messages, “Aim your arrows to ensure they hit their targets” and “transformation of ourselves to learn and grow”. Also as a merit for a Refuah Shlaimah for our daughter, Sharon’s, forthcoming operation. Shabbat shalom and Chag Sameach!
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
5:55 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
6:25 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
6:50 PM - Seudah Shlishit
7:47 PM - Maariv/Evening services
7:52 PM - Shabbat Ends
09/21/2018 12:09:31 PM
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Friday, September 21 - 125 Coltrane
6:58 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 6:00 PM)
6:55 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, September 22 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:07 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Sukkot and the Secret of Success" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel , "Sukkot: Where Heaven Meets Earth " in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Jodi & Gidon Kerbel in honour of our Rabbis and Rebbetzins, and to Darryl Cohen and the Board members for their endless time and efforts throughout the year. We are so grateful to Hashem for placing us in this special community, whom we have come to consider our extended family, rather than fellow congregants. Wishing everyone a Chag Sameach and Shana tova!
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
6:05 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
6:35 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
7:00 PM - Seudah Shlishit
7:59 PM - Maariv/Evening services
8:04 PM - Shabbat Ends
09/14/2018 09:48:09 AM
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Friday, September 14 - 125 Coltrane
7:11 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 6:11 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, September 15 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:04 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Yom Kippur- Dry Cleaning for the Soul" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Special Siyum (conclusion of a Mishnaic tractate) by Mark Hapern followed by the annual special Shabbat Shuva Talk with Rabbi Krokotksy- "The Power of Prayer!" in the Main Shul
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Shawna & Shaun Goodman in honour of our 7th Wedding Anniversary! Can't believe 7 years have blown by, BH!
Also sponsored by Mark & Rhonda Halpern in honour of and in gratitude to Hashem for Mark's accident 25 years ago this week. Wishing everyone a Gemar Chatima Tova and a wonderful new year!
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
5:15 PM - "Connecting to Yom Kippur" - A special Shabbat Shuva Afternoon Women's Class, at 10 Noam Court,, with Rebbetzin Cohen
6:20 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
6:50 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
7:15 PM - Seudah Shlishit
8:12 PM - Maariv/Evening services
8:17 PM - Shabbat Ends
08/31/2018 10:37:36 AM
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Friday, August 31 - 125 Coltrane
7:36 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 6:32 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, September 1 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:59 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Top 10 Tips for a Happy and Successful New Year" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 11:25 AM - Special brief message by Rabbi Krokotsky in the Main Shul
11:25 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Q & A" in the Main Shul
11:25 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel, "The Attitude of Gratitude" in the Kiddush Room
11:25 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Roman & Rita Tov in honour of the upcoming holidays. May Hashem continue to bring us happiness, success, health to our beloved ones and make us better people in the new year.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
6:45 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
7:15 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
7:40 PM - Seudah Shlishit
8:38 PM - Maariv/Evening services
8:43 PM - Shabbat Ends
1:07 AM - SELICHOT (with introduction)
08/24/2018 09:55:49 AM
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Friday, August 24 - 125 Coltrane
7:48 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 6:42 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, August 25 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:56 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "New Year, New You" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Elisha , "Understanding the Mitzvah of Sending Away the Mother Bird" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Ilan & Polina Nagla in honour of Polina and Adinas upcoming birthdays! May Hashem continue to bless you with success, happiness and joy. We are so proud all of your accomplishments and growth. Love, Ilan, Ariela and Avi.
Additional desserts sponsored by Edy & Nelly Braun in honour of Edy! Dear Edy, you are an amazing husband and father. May Hashem gift you with life’s biggest joys and never-ending success. May all your dreams turn into reality. May you have abundant health and happiness. With love, Nelly and the kids.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
7:00 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understanding the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
7:30 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
7:55 PM - Seudah Shlishit
8:50 PM - Maariv/Evening services
8:55 PM - Shabbat Ends
08/17/2018 11:30:53 AM
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Friday, August 17 - 125 Coltrane
8:00 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 6:51 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, August 18 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:53 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Shofar so Good" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Elisha , "From Dust to Dust" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Mark & Rhonda Halpern in honour of our wonderful sons Yosef and Binyomin who head back to Israel this week. We will miss you! They should have much blessings and success with their learning as should all the children in our community for the upcoming year. Wishing everyone an inspired month of Ellul!
Also sponsored by Yaniv & Kayla Barda in honour of our 13th wedding anniversary. Hashem has blessed us with 13 wonderful years of marriage and 4 kids. We are so thankful to celebrate today with our friends in our Shul community. May we continue to celebrate simchas together.
Afternoon Schedule - 125 Coltrane
7:10 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understading the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
7:40 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services
8:05 PM - Seudah Shlishit, sponsored by David Levine in honour of the return of the Mandel family from their trip to Israel.
9:01 PM - Maariv/Evening services
9:06 PM - Shabbat Ends
08/10/2018 09:22:36 AM
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Friday, August 10 - 125 Coltrane
8:10 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:00 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, August 11 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:49 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern , "Rosh Hashanah: The Key to a New Year- Start it Right!" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Rosh Hashanah: The Key to a New Year- Start it Right!" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Mike & Danielle Steinman in honour of Jake’s 9th birthday! Happy 9th birthday to Jake “stealth ninja” Steinman. May all your dreams come true. Love Zack, Mom and Dad and Rabbi Mandel's morning learning group with special thanks to Rabbi Shimansky for filling in while Rabbi Mandel relaxes in Israel. May we continue to learn and grow together in our understanding of the Gemara. Shcoiach!!!
Afternoon Schedule
4:30 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understading the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:45 PM - Shabbat in the Park, see flyer below
9:17 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:22 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
08/03/2018 08:56:42 AM
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Friday, August 3 - 125 Coltrane
8:20 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:07 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, August 4 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:46 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Jessy Revivo in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Jessy Revivo in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Amir Dodick in Room 111
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Anat Ishai for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Howie & Amanda Frenkel in honour of our birthdays, with gratitude to Hashem for our turning another (belated) year older (for one of us, anyway). As Howie turned 37 and Amanda turned 29 again, we are reminded of how blessed we are to live in such a supportive, connected and growing community.
Afternoon Schedule
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Darryl & Nikki Cohen, 266 Autumn Hill Blvd., class by Rabbi Sitzer
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Darryl & Nikki Cohen, in partnership with Rabbi & Rebbetzin Sitzer and Gidon & Jodi Kerbel - 266 Autumn Hill Blvd.
9:27 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:32 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
07/27/2018 08:27:21 AM
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Friday, July 27 - 125 Coltrane
8:28 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:14 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, July 28 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:43 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Jessy Revivo , "What It’s Like To Be Loved" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Karin Dodick, "The Teachings of Rabbi Shimshon Pincus Z'L" for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Mark & Jessica Zuckier in honour of the beautiful congregation that has welcomed us. This month marks the one year anniversary that we started attending the Thornhill Woods Shul!
Afternoon Schedule
4:30 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understading the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Amanda & Howie Frenkel, 48 Spring Arbour Rd., class by Howie Frenkel
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Amanda & Howie Frenkel, in partnership with Sasha & Karen Kobrossi and Mark & Jessica Zuckier - 48 Spring Arbour Rd.
9:35 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:40 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
07/20/2018 08:33:36 AM
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Friday, July 20 - 125 Coltrane
8:35 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:19 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, July 21 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:39 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Small Favours" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Wacky questions and surprising answers" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Iany Beniluz in honour of Leandra Miller's birthday. Happy birthday Leandra! To another year of incredible memories. May you continue to bless our lives with your patience, kindness, love, and warmth. We wish you all the good that G-d has to give. Don't kill me for not telling you I was doing this. Love, Iany, the folks, and the Thornhill woods community.
Afternoon Schedule
4:30 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understading the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Eytan & Anat Ishai, 176 Foxwood Rd, class by Rabbi Shimansky
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Eytan & Anat Ishai, in partnership with Rabbi & Gila Shimansky - 176 Foxwood Rd
07/13/2018 09:32:36 AM
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Friday, July 13 - 125 Coltrane
8:40 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:23 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, July 14 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:36 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Staying Squeaky Clean" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Daniel Wolnerman, "Holy War and Vengeance - Putting the Fun in Fundamentalism" in the Main Shul
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Taryn & Terry Kukle in honour of the Wolnerman's, whom we would like to thank for their contributions to our community. We were very fortunate to have formed a personal relationship with them. Rabbi, thank you for our one on one learning and Brenda for the many meals in your home. Thank you for the opportunity to host your amazing students and allowing us to corrupt their innocent minds. Wishing you success on your new journey and we look forward to visiting you soon in Miami or having a curry dinner when you visit us back in Toronto.
Also sponsored by Roman & Rita Tov in honour of and with heartfelt gratitude to Hashem for all He has done and is continously doing for us. We are thankful to all the Thornhill Woods families who were with us in a challenging time. Thank you for your kindness, for your prayers, and for the delicious meals on our table. It meant the world to us. May Hashem be with you and bring lots of nachat to all your families!
Afternoon Schedule
4:30 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understading the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Krokocki, 2 Noam Court, class by Rabbi Krokocki
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Rabbi & Rebbetzin Krokocki, in partnership with Edy & Nelly Braun and Aaron & Vanessa Kates - 2 Noam Court
9:47 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:52 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
Monday Night Learning, July 16 - 125 Coltrane
8:15 PM - Weekly Parsha Insight with Rabbi Appelbaum (for last week's recording, click here)
9:00 PM - Halacha Discussion with Rabbi Krokotsky
9:45 PM - Maariv/Evening services
07/06/2018 08:52:52 AM
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Friday, July 6 - 125 Coltrane
8:44 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:26 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, July 7 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:32 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "True Leadership" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "How To Battle The Evil Inclination" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Elisha , "Righteous Jealousy" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Raquel Levine for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Roy & Maureen Arluck in honour of and in the blessed and loving memory of the Yahrtzeits of Roy's father, Yosef ben Tzvi Hirsch and his mother, Sarah Rivka bat Avraham, on the 23rd and 25th of Tammuz respectively. May their Neshamot have an Aliyah!
Afternoon Schedule
4:30 PM - "Sefer Hachinuch" - Understading the Meaning of the Mitzvot, with Rabbi Krokotsky
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Mark & Rhonda Halpern, 239 Bathurst Glen Drive, class by Yosef Halpern
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Mark & Rhonda Halpern, in partnership with Jessy & Michele Revivo - 239 Bathurst Glen Drive
9:51 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:56 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
06/29/2018 09:15:15 AM
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Friday, June 29 - 125 Coltrane
8:45 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:27 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, June 30 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:30 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "It's the Thought That Counts" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Elisha , "Harvey Weinstein & Balak " in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rhonda Halpern for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Asher & Assia Tsetlin in honour of and with gratitude to Hashem for our birthdays this year and for all the goodness He has showered upon us.
Afternoon Schedule
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Ilan & Polina Nagla, 26 Bristlewood Cres., class by Rabbi Wolnerman
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Ilan & Polina Nagla, in partnership with Jeremy & Edeet Kochberg and Roy & Maureen Arluck - 26 Bristlewood Cres.
9:53 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:58 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
06/22/2018 08:45:05 AM
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Friday, June 22 - 125 Coltrane
8:45 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:26 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, June 23 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:28 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "You Must be Kidding!" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Elisha , "I am a Rock!" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Raquel Levine for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Shaun & Shawna Goodman in honour of Joelle's 13th birthday. We are so excited for you and are so proud of your efforts in growth and Mitzvot. We will miss you at camp on your birthday! Lots of love to our new teenager, Mom, Shaun and Syvana.
Afternoon Schedule
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Jenn & Jay Feldman, 127 Couture Gardens, class by Michael Steinman
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Jenn & Jay Feldman, in partnership with Michael & Danielle Steinman - 127 Couture Gardens
9:53 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:58 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
06/15/2018 08:57:07 AM
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Friday, June 15 - 125 Coltrane
8:43 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:25 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, June 16 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:26 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Sink Or Swim?" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Presentation by Lee Tessler and Rabbi Mandel, followed by remarks from the Bar Mitzvah boy, Jake Tessler, in the Main Shul
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Rochelle & Lee Tessler in honour of Jake's Bar Mitzvah. With gratitude to Hashem, Lee & Rochelle Tessler invite you to join in their Simcha as their son, Jake, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. We have the greatest and most sincere appreciation for the Rabbis and members of the Thornhill Woods Shul Community. We look forward to celebrating this wonderful simcha together as a community and invite you to join us for Kiddush following Shul services.
Afternoon Schedule
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Ian & Nicole Berkowitz , 29 Fraserwood Rd, class by Edy Braun
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Ian & Nicole Berkowitz , in partnership with Bella & Michael Sugar - 29 Fraserwood Rd
9:51 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:56 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
06/08/2018 10:24:28 AM
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Friday, June 8 - 125 Coltrane
8:39 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:21 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, June 9 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:26 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "I Spy With My Little Eye" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Rael Blumenthal, Rabbi of the Boca Raton West Shul in Florida: "The Recipe for Fearlessness: Solving Age Old Issues in Our Modern Lives" in the Main Shul
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Howie & Amanda Frenkel in honour of Brayden's 8th birthday. BH, we have been blessed with a sweet, empathetic and fiercely caring boy, with a wonderful imagination, enviable energy and a strong, passionate neshama. Brayden, we love you more than you can know. Mazel tov! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Asher, Ryah, Bubby & Saba and Bubby & Zaidy.
Additional desserts sponsored by Edy & Nelly Braun in honour of Maya's birthday. Dear Maya, you are a very special person! You always take time to care, to listen, and to help everyone around you. You are beautiful, bright, kind, and genuine. May HaShem bless you with a world of health, happiness, joy, and laughter.
Afternoon Schedule
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Rabbi Elisha & Fraidy Mandel, 125 Coltrane Dr., class by Rabbi Elisha
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Rabbi Elisha & Fraidy Mandel, in partnership with Amir & Karin Dodick - 125 Coltrane Dr.
9:48 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:53 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
06/01/2018 10:11:10 AM
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Friday, June 1 - 125 Coltrane
8:34 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:17 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, June 2 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:26 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Quitting Is Not An Option" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Elisha , "The Art of the Deal" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Aliza Cohen for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by David & Raquel Levine in honour of their 11th wedding anniversary, and in honor of the Thornhill Woods community, who have been like family for more than 9 years. We've seen many changes to the look and feel of the shul over the years, but the soul of the shul has always been the same. This has always been a community of giving, of welcoming, and of warmth. We've been so blessed to be a part of it, and G-d willing, we will continue to be a part of it for many years to come. Although we're away this Shabbat, we will be thinking about you.
Afternoon Schedule
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:30 PM - "How To Get Your Prayers Answered"- for men & women, with Rabbi Mandel - 125 Coltrane
6:15 PM - Shabbat Afternoon in the Park (see details below)
9:43 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:48 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
05/25/2018 09:01:37 AM
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Friday, May 25 - 125 Coltrane
8:28 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:12 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, May 26 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:28 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Cutting Your Losses" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Krokotsky, "Torah Insights" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel , "Lift Your Head!" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rhonda Halpern for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by Alex & Shauna Argueta in honour of the entire community, Rabbis and Rebbetzins, and to all whom have graced us with amazing friendships from day 1! We are very blessed and greatful to have found such an amazing community, with passion and love for Torah, Israel and life. It's a sad page we are turning over in our family "book of life", but at the same time excited for what lies ahead. Thank you, thank you for EVERYTHING!..May we cross paths again soon...probably at Sobeys! Alex, Shauna and Ben.
Additional desserts sponsored by Edy & Nelly Braun in honour of Dear Eli and Aaron, Make every moment of your life count. Avoid negativity. Be kind and respectful. Stay healthy. Study hard. Achieve what you desire. Enjoy the amazing journey that Hashem created for each of you. And please remember, that mommy and daddy are always here to love you.
Afternoon Schedule
5:00 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
5:40 PM - Pirkei Avot Class at the home of Terry & Taryn Kukle, 45 Strauss, class by Terry Kukle
6:30 PM - Community Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Terry & Taryn Kukle, in partnership with Dorit & Jason Black - 45 Strauss
9:37 PM - Shabbat Ends
9:42 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
05/18/2018 09:04:17 AM
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Friday, May 18 - 125 Coltrane
8:21 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 7:06 PM)
7:00 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle lighting is an auspicious time to pray for a complete recovery for those who are unwell. Our community's list can be found here.
Shabbat, May 19 - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 9:31 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM - Class with Jessy Revivo , "The Happy Moth" in the Kiddush Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rabbi Mandel, "Shavuot: Alone and Together in the Desert" in the Main Shul
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Class with Rebbetzin Fraidy Mandel, "The Empowered Woman: Final Class in the Series!" for women in Room 113
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored this week by David & Raquel Levine in honour of Evan's 8th birthday. Evan, Hashem has blessed you with many amazing qualities. May you always recognize just how blessed you are. And may you continue to be blessed, always. We’re so proud of you. Happy birthday.
Schedule for Erev Shavuot
NOTE: There is no community Seuda Shlishit this week. Seuda Shlishit should be done on your own in the afternoon.
8:10 PM - Mincha - 125 Coltrane
8:35 PM - Rabbi's Thoughts
9:26 PM - Maariv - 125 Coltrane
9:31 PM - Earliest Candle Lighting (from an existing flame)
Schedule for Shavuot All Night Learning
Sunday, May 20
12:00 AM - All Night Chavrusa (Partnering up) Style Learning - 125 Coltrane
1:00 AM - All Night Talmud Learning with Rabbi Krokotsky
12:00 AM - Class with Rabbi Mandel - Chorev: Revealing Reality
1:00 AM - Class with Rabbi Sitzer - Connections Between Shavuot and Megillat Ruth
2:00 AM - Class with Mark Halpern -Making Torah Sweet
3:00 AM - Class with Rabbi Wolnerman - The Essence of Shavuot
5:15 AM - Early Shacharit (Neitz/Sunrise 5:47 AM) - 125 Coltrane
Refreshments and coffee will be served at night learning. Hourly classes are for bothmen and women.
Schedule for Shavuot
Sunday, May 20
9:45 AM - Regular Shacharit (Latest Shema 9:30 AM) - 125 Coltrane
Kiddush 12:30 PM
Sponsored by Jenn & Jay Feldman in honor of and in gratitude to Hashem for our righteous children Rony and Hallie. We wish them a life of Torah, blessings, health, parnassa and long life!
Afternoon Schedule
8:25 PM - Mincha - 125 Coltrane
8:40 PM - Rabbi's Thoughts
9:15 PM - Maariv
9:32 PM - Candle Lighting (from an existing flame)
Monday, May 21
9:30 AM - Shacharit (Latest Shema 9:30 AM) - 125 Coltrane
11:30 AM - Yizkor (approx.)
Kiddush 12:30 PM
Sponsored by Jenn & Jay Feldman in honor of and in gratitude to Hashem for our righteous children Rony and Hallie. We wish them a life of Torah, blessings, health, parnassa and long life!
Afternoon Schedule
4:30 PM - Ice Cream in the Park sponsored by Brad & Tati Cohen in honor of Dalia’s ninth birthday. May she continue to grow in strength, character, kindness and knowledge. Love, Abba and Mamae - @ the Thornhill Woods Park
8:25 PM - Mincha - 125 Coltrane
8:40 PM - Rabbi's Thoughts
9:28 PM - Maariv
9:33 PM - Yom Tov Ends
For more info and ideas about Shavuot, please click here.
Sat, February 1 2025
3 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharis : 9:00am |
Latest Shema : 10:03am |
Mincha : 4:55pm |
Havdalah : 6:18pm |
Maariv : 6:18pm |
Friday Night
Earliest Candle-lighting : 4:33pm |
Mincha : 5:15pm |
Candle Lighting : 5:19pm |
Shabbos Day
Shacharis : 9:00am |
Latest Shema : 9:59am |
Mincha : 5:05pm |
Havdalah : 6:28pm |
Maariv : 6:28pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Bo
Shabbos, Feb 1 |
Candle Lighting
Shabbos, Feb 1, 5:10pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Feb 1, 6:18pm |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
Morning learning for men with Rabbi MAndel
Alos Hashachar | 6:07am |
Earliest Tallis | 6:40am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 7:35am |
Latest Shema | 10:03am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:53am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 12:32pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:57pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:25pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:27pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:28pm |
Havdalah | 6:18pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 6:18pm |
More >> |
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